Page 7 - Reading Between the Lines: The European Reformation
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Reading Between The Lines The European Reformation An Introduction
500 Years of Reform: A fervor for reformation had been stirring with ebbs and flows for centuries that would see the crumbling of the structures of the Medieval Church. Within the 16th Century all regions of Christian Western Europe were
seized with this upheaval which was as much
political as theological.
On All Hallows Eve, October 31, 1517, an Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther nailed on the door of the castle chapel in Wittenberg a list of 95 theses, or complaints, against the use of indulgences by the Latin Church. This was one of several pivotal moments in the reforming movements within the Church in Europe.
2017 has been set aside to mark the 500th anniversary of this Protestant Reformation.
Reading Between The Lines (RBTL)
of the European Reformation was developed as a four session bible study utilizing the Maieutic (Midwife) method of The Educational Center. Each session can be explored in a 90 minute to two hour time frame:
 The Lead Up: Cracks in the Old Church  Reform: The Dawn of a New Era
 The Swiss Connection
 The Genevan Reformation
RBTL of the European Reformation is an opportunity to look at some of the original documents of key leaders of the movement and to explore the events that propelled this period of dramatic realignment.
RBTL of the European Reformation is structured to invite participants to enter the story at the time each statement was made, and to consider the impact on ordinary people whose whole worldview was experiencing an earthquake-like shift. In addition to examining the historical implications of the reformation, each session’s questions allow participants to consider where this story is unfolding in the world today, and to identify what the implications may be. Finally, the materials invite the participants to look within themselves to see where the story lives in their own lives.
Reading Between The Lines of the European Reformation
Created by: Jerry Drino, M.Div., D.D.

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