Page 6 - TeenText MS Sample
P. 6
each thing, have youth think about any events or experiences that may have lead them to these changes.
Choose one statement and draw a ‘map’ of these experiences. If students are willing, share your maps with the group. How is the person at the start of the map different from the person on the end? How does this relate to Moses’ journey we read about today?
Below is an artist’s interpretation of the story we read today. The painting, titled Burning Bush, is by Sebastien Bourdon (date unknown). When you look at the image, what do you notice? How many characters are present? Who are they? How does Moses appear? How is he reacting to the bush?
Do you think this is similar to what Moses saw with his own eyes? Why or why not? How does this inform your understanding of today’s text?
(Image Source:
The Educational Center, PO Box 11892, Charlotte, NC 28220 ~ 704.375.1161 ~